Privacy Policy

Data Protection

Who is responsible for processing your data?

Identity: Florian Mueck

Postal Address: Avda. Castell de Montbui 90, Bigues i Riells (Spain)

VAT number: ES X5340895L

Telephone: +34 635 198 645

Contact: [email protected]

What is the purpose of us processing your personal data?

Pursuant to European Regulation 2016/679, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we inform you that “FLORIAN MUECK” processes its customer’s details with the following purposes:

  • To correctly handle the booking of keynote speakers for the purpose of giving professional speeches at its clients’ (corporate) event.

  • To create a commercial profile based on the information provided in order to send personalised promotional information that has been profiled via cookies.

  • To send bulletins and promotions with advertising from FLORIAN MUECK.

  • To prevent abuse and fraud (for example, fraudulent activities, denial of service attacks, sending of spam, and more).

  • To grant data to public bodies and authorities, provided they are required pursuant to legal and regulatory provisions.

How long do we keep your data for?

Your data will be kept whilst the contractual and commercial relation lasts, as well as during the time necessary to adhere to legal obligations, or until you request for it to be deleted.

What is the legitimacy for the processing of your data?

The legal basis for the processing of your data is the execution of a contract with FLORIAN MUECK in relation to acquired services.

To which recipients will we communicate your data?

If you have given your consent, your data will be passed to other entities which need said information in order to provide the service acquired, such as airlines, hotel establishments and rental car companies. It can also be granted if there is a legal obligation to do so.

What are your rights when you give us your data, and how can you exercise these?

You have the right to receive confirmation if FLORIAN MUECK is processing personal data that concerns you or not. Likewise, you have the right to access your personal data, as well as to request to amend incorrect data or, if the case may be, request for it to be deleted when, among other reasons, it is no longer necessary to keep the data for the purposes for which they were collected. In certain circumstances you can request for the processing of your data to be limited; in this case, we will only keep it for claims processes or advocacy.

Likewise, you can exercise your right to transfer data, as well as withdraw the consent granted at any time, without this affecting the legality of the processing based on the consent granted before its withdrawal.

If you want to exercise any of your rights, you can contact us through email: [email protected]

Remember to give as much information as possible about your request:

  • Name and surname.

  • Email address that you use for the account or portal regarding your request.

You can refer to the Spanish Data Protection Agency and other relevant public bodies for any claim regarding the processing of your personal data.

Cookies Policy

Read our cookies policy here.

Website Access and Usage Conditions

Accessing our web page is the exclusive responsibility of the users and it involves accepting and being aware of the legal warnings, conditions and terms of use contained within it. FLORIAN MUECK reserves the right to carry out, at any moment, the changes and modifications that it deems necessary for the web page, without the need to give previous warning of this.

Obligation to Correctly Use the Web Page and its Contents

The user undertakes to correctly use the website and services it provides pursuant to the law, this Legal Disclaimer and the instructions and warnings of which they are informed.

The user is bound to the exclusive use of the website and its content for legal, non-prohibited purposes, which do not infringe current legislation and/or could detriment the legal rights of or any third party, and/or which may cause any direct or indirect damage or prejudice.

In respect thereof, the user will refrain from using any of the contents on the web page with illegal purposes or effects, those prohibited in this Legal Disclaimer, and those that could detriment the interests of third parties or that, in any way, could damage, disable, overload, deteriorate or prevent the normal use of the website, computer equipment or documents, files and all types of content stored (hacking) on any of the Group’s, other users’ or any internet user’s computer equipment (hardware and software).

Data Protection Policy

Pursuant to that established in Organic Law of Protection of Personal Data, 15/1999, FLORIAN MUECK, with registered address at Avda. Castell de Montbui 90, 08415 Bigues i Riells (Spain) (henceforth FLORIAN MUECK), hereby states that when using, hereinafter, the WEBSITE, to make a purchase it is necessary to provide certain basic Personal Data which will be processed both automatically and not automatically and will be incorporated in the corresponding automated files, which have been previously registered before the relevant authority, of which FLORIAN MUECK is the holder and liable party.

FLORIAN MUECK will request certain Personal Data which shall be mandatory in order to complete the booking of the product to be contracted.

The automatic collecting and processing of Personal Data has the aim of maintaining the contractual relation established with FLORIAN MUECK, and the handling of the booking of keynote speakers, administration, improving, adapting to preferences and likes of products and services- as well as sending, by traditional and/or electronic means, administrative, technical, organisational and/or commercial information regarding the services offered or that could be offered by FLORIAN MUECK.

Likewise, personal data will be gathered for the following purposes:

  1. Those regarding the activity linked to travel arrangements for keynote speakers.

  2. The intervening parties require their provision for the services requested by the user.

  3. To verify means of payment.

  4. The study of the way the user uses the services.

  5. To verify, maintain and develop systems and analyse statistics.

  6. Publicity, promotion and commercial research activities.

  7. To send surveys, which the user is not obliged to answer.

The user will supply, in any case, data that is true, giving FLORIAN MUECK the right to exclude the right to the registered services to all users that have provided false data, notwithstanding any other actions applicable under the Law.

FLORIAN MUECK can, and in some cases must grant the Personal Data to other companies with the same aims as that set forth in the previous paragraph on collecting data.

The owner of the data expressly consents to say companies being granted or informed of the data included in the previously referred to file. In all cases, FLORIAN MUECK guarantees the safeguarding of confidentiality and security of Personal Data in the international transfers of data that may take place due to this granting.

At all times, the owner of the data has the right to access the automatic files, being able to exercise their right to rectify, cancel and oppose to the terms stated in the data protection legislation, and withdraw their consent for the processing and granting of their personal data. To exercise any of your rights, you can contact us via email: [email protected]

FLORIAN MUECK has adopted the legally required security measures in its facilities, systems and files. Likewise, it guarantees the confidentiality of all Personal Data.


30 Days Money-Back-Guarantee

(1) You have the right to revoke the contract of your purchased products within thirty days.

(2) The revocation is no longer possible and invalid, if you have already viewed, downloaded or otherwise used at least 25% of the course content. For this purpose, we check the progress of their course program in the internal system "Kajabi".

(3) The revocation period is thirty days from the day you took possession of the course / access to the product.

(4) To exercise your right of withdrawal, send us - Florian Mueck, Avda. Castell de Montbui 90, Bigues i Riells (Spain)
- please send an email with your decision to withdraw from this contract to [email protected].

(5) In connection with the withdrawal period, it is sufficient if you send the notice of exercise of the right of withdrawal before the expiry of the withdrawal period.

(6) If you revoke this contract, we will refund the payments at the latest within fourteen days from the day we received the notification of revocation of this contract. For this refund, we will use the same payment method that you used for the original transaction, unless expressly agreed otherwise with you.

(7) Under no circumstances will we charge you a fee for the refund.

(8) From the moment of withdrawal, your right to access the purchased products and content will expire. Any access data will be deleted from our system.

(9) We are in no way obligated to refund any costs other than the purchase price of the product.

(10) We reserve the right to unilaterally modify, suspend or terminate this warranty or exclude customers in case of abuse.

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